The Treasure Trove Workshop


The Treasure Trove Workshop: Mine Your Memories to Write Authentic Fiction And Nonfiction

Want to get more from your writing?

“Discover your hidden treasure chest. It’s packed with memories: the stories of your life. Stories only you can write… And sell, if you wish.”

Here’s what you’ll discover in our new program:

- Ways to use your life to write and sell fiction and nonfiction.

- How to become more creative and productive.

- Enjoyment. Writing should always be fun. It will be, when you're telling the stories you were born to tell.

Hi fellow writer

Want to write powerfully and well?

When you mine your memories, your entire life will be a goldmine of writing inspiration.

With my writing students, I've found that once I help writers to mine their life stories, all their writing instantly improves. And they make more money because their writing is more authentic and authoritative. You're the expert on you, so once you start trusting yourself, you'll sell more of your writing.

Be yourself and write

When you're yourself, you're original, so your writing is powerful. If you would rather not write nonfiction (true stuff) because you're shy, or don't want to hurt others, you can fictionalize your life.

All fiction (made up stuff: short stories and novels) is based on the writer's life and emotions. Novelists use their life in their writing. Now you can do it consciously, to make your writing more powerful.

Our new workshop will help.

Introducing: the Treasure Trove Workshop: Mine Your Memories to Write Authentic Fiction And Nonfiction

This coaching workshop is based on the "life writing" exercises I give my students to improve ALL their writing, whether it's blogging, copywriting, writing fiction, or anything else.

It makes writing easier. It’s especially beneficial if you haven’t been writing, or if your writing feels dry and uninspired.


- Write more. You'll be more comfortable with yourself and your writing. Your life will inspire you.

- Get ideas for projects only YOU can write.

- Find new markets for your writing. One student discovered personal essays. They’re now a major part of her writing: she publishes them as standalone short ebooks, and when she has ten or 15, publishes collections.

- Write your life story. Many writers want to write their memoirs, or an autobiography. If you've had remarkable experiences, or lived a full life, you have treasure for your writing.

- Write someone else's life story, as a ghostwriter. After you've learned the strategies in this program, you may choose to become a ghostwriter for others.

Writers’ remarks about this workshop

"Beta testing this workshop was astonishing. After months of feeling unable to write, I’m more productive than I’ve ever been. My wife wants to take the workshop to publish her memoirs." J.A. USA

“This workshop has improved all my writing. I doubled my income from last year in three months. I'm contracted to write two autobiographies, and a company history. Not only that, but I can't thank Angela enough for the training to take my writing in a whole new direction." T.F. UK

"After my divorce, I stopped writing. Angela suggested that life writing might help. The workshop opened the floodgates.” J.W. NZ

What’s included in this workshop?

- The Treasure Trove Workshop includes six lessons, with exercises. You receive all six lessons as an instant-download PDF, so you can write at your own pace. The lessons include exercises. Some are for your use, others you can send to us for feedback.

- Personal feedback and coaching. This is a workshop. You’ll receive confidential instruction and insights based on your exercises, questions, and goals. (Nothing you send us is shared with anyone; everything is confidential.)

- A fiction bonus: Plotting Made Easy: Plot Your Fiction For Fun And Profit.

How much time should I budget for the workshop?

Around three hours a week. However, it depends on your goals.

Please complete the questionnaire you’ll find on page 6 of the Treasure Trove Workshop PDF and send us your responses.

The questionnaire’s second question is: “What are your goals for your writing in the next 12 months?” Your goals may be short or extensive. If you have extensive goals, you may like to spend more time on the workshop each week.

What’s this workshop worth to you?

Students of the workshop have increased their productivity and income. For many, it’s removed doubt, and increased their confidence in themselves and their writing.

Some have found it therapeutic. Although that’s not our aim, it’s an inevitable benefit of the workshop.

Whether you’re a professional writer, novelist, or hobbyist writer, you’re sure to benefit in some way.

A HUGE introductory offering: please take advantage of it

For a limited time, the complete workshop, including all coaching, is available for just $147.

On November 20, it will revert to the normal price of $697, which is still an incredible value.

Enjoy. If you have questions, please get in touch.

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A six-week workshop, with a weekly newsletter. Feedback and coaching included. You receive the six lessons on downloading. Send us your questionnaire and exercises.

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The Treasure Trove Workshop

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